Our Story


Our Story

In 2009, we began to reflect on the experiences of young people we knew, aged 18-35, who were thinking about important life decisions. Through our own professional work in the fields of community development, human resources, and public health, each of us knew the importance of this stage of life and that many of the decisions made at this age would be some of the most important, setting a path for their lives.

We noticed that many young people were eager to channel their energies into a meaningful and fulfilling career path, but faced a host of questions. From the practical – “How do I find a job?” “What am I good at?” “What kind of work do I find fulfilling?” “Why do I feel like I’m missing important skills that everyone else seems to have?” – to the profound – “What is my purpose, and why do I need a career?” “What should I be doing with this stage in my life?” “I want to work for more than a paycheck – is that too much to ask for?” – these questions could either stimulate constructive exploration or overwhelm and paralyze someone from taking the next step.

Many of these questions sounded familiar to us, since they had also been our own. We knew first-hand of the anxiety and discouragement that could often accompany the ambiguity of not knowing the future, the frustration of feeling ill-equipped to enter the job market, and the challenges that come from being young or lacking job experience in a Canadian context.

But we also knew that we could help.

We began to talk to people – friends, neighbours, coworkers and acquaintances. In 2011 we started piloting workshops to help develop vital job-finding skills. We realized that skills were not the only things our participants needed. There was a need to take a holistic approach to helping the participants map their career path and take steps towards fulfilling their goals. In our workshops we began to help young people explore fundamental questions, develop vital skills and abilities for the job search, shape a hopeful and constructive attitude, and connect with a network of peers.

They eagerly responded, telling us again and again that this was something they were looking for. Hear what they have had to say about their experience with us here.